
Creek Destiny 2 CD player

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Creek Destiny 2 CD player

Creek Destiny 2 CD Player Features:

  • Transport: The Destiny 2 now uses a dedicated CD transport mechanism comprising of custom made drawer loader and high quality laser assembly. Soft rubber bushes help to maintain playability under conditions of mechanical vibration.
  • Power supply: To maintain the isolation between digital and analogue supplies, Creek has designed a truly stunning mains power supply for the Destiny, with all components mounted on a thick double sided plated-through-hole PCB. Three separate fully encapsulated PCB mounted toroidal mains transformers are used to completely separate digital and analogue supplies. A total of 11 voltage regulated, low-noise, power supplies are used in the Destiny 2 player. All rectifier diodes used in the power supply are Schottky-Barrier types, for low noise, which do not require RF snubbing capacitors. All other power supply decoupling capacitors are audio grade low-impedance 105 degree Centigrade types.
  • Digital to analogue converter: Creek Audio has a long association with Cirrus Logic products and continues to use their Delta-Sigma CS4396 digital-to-analogue-converter, long after it has been superseded by other devices. This decision was made purely on the basis of sound quality, since with its 24bit 192kHz reading capability, the CS4396 far exceeds the resolution of the 16bit 44.1kHz CD format. Re-clocking circuitry is used to eliminate jitter, or timing errors, from corrupting the performance of the Destiny 2 player.The Destiny CD player uses a modular, low phase noise (5pS) and temperature controlled, master clock oscillator. It also uses separate, instrument grade, OPA134 Op-Amps in the audio output to buffer each channel and the filtering of unwanted digital artefacts is improved. The op-amps in the output are also powered separately from their own low noise voltage regulators. Audio signal path passive components are selected for sonic purity, such as high-stability MELF type resistors and film and polypropylene type capacitors.
  • Un-balanced audio output RCA sockets are high quality, solid metal and gold plated. Digital SPDIF output is by co-axial RCA and optical TOSLINK sockets.

Overall Specifications:

- Frequency Response 1Hz - 20Khz ± 0.25dB
- Output Impedance 5 Ohm
- Minimum Load Impedance 1kΩ
-Distortion < 0.0008% @ 1KHz, 0dB
- THD + Noise > -97dB
- Dynamic Range > 117dB
- Consumption 14 Watts max
- Weight 6Kg
- Dimensions (W x H x D) 432 x 70 x 340mm

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