ELAC FS 189 - JET-Set
... "And, indeed encouraged, the measurements in the audio lab amazing to day: 112 dB maximum SPL, coupled with the very ordinary sensitivity of 86.5 decibels. These results demonstrate truly exceptional headroom (maximum volume) and on top of the spare amplifier connected . ... The developers relieve the speaker in the lower octaves, where the stroke is greatest. This vote will not only ensure that the three 17.5-inch chassis compress or later strike at all, it reduces our dependence on free installation and large spaces. The adjustment used the included foam plugs that hide behind the name of bass control. Simple solution, but effective: The drone can be more prone area closed to the rear bass port, and so curb the bass ."... "All low-and mid-chassis of the FS 189 now rely on cone membranes in aluminum-paper sandwich construction. Elac waived the usual commonly dust cap and pulls the membranes from one piece of what you see optimized stiffness and radiation and vibration response. In addition, the smooth, shiny silver grille cloth driver itself without even from noble. Something noble lies also in the top of the FS 189: The Jet tweeter is based on the years in the 1970s invented Dr.Oskar Heil Air Motion Transformer (AMT) and uses a meander-folded foil membrane that very inertia responds to the slightest stimulus. Conclusion
"You might be wondering why Elac put two loudspeakers in the 2000-Euro-class offering, and what is right for you. It's simple: classical music lovers tend to be more homogeneous, in the richer low bass grab FS 247, but also the greater demands on the amplifier represents. Anyone who likes jazz, pop and party, can choose the FS 189 for the same money. The perky Kiel, is a real "party animal" and yet very natural. " |